The intellectual property of the content of «Jacob Iakovou» website abides to Greek, European and International copyright legislation. Any promotion or reproduction of «Jacob Iakovou» content partially or totally may only take place with the company’s consent.
The promotion and publication of information and data such as logos, names etc. on this website related to «Jacob Iakovou» or third parties are under the protection of trademark provisions and should not be used without authorization.
«Jacob Iakovou» is not responsible for any errors during data exchange.
«Jacob Iakovou» does not account for the content, products and/or services of any references or redirects via links to third-party websites.
«Jacob Iakovou» provides maximum protection to visitors’ personal data and abides to the laws of Data Protection Authority 2472/97 and the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), implemented since 25/05/2018.
«Jacob Iakovou» takes the necessary technical measures to ensure the protection of visitors’ personal data during registration, handling, processing and storage, preventing any loss, misuse or alteration.
«Jacob Iakovou» has the right to keep a record as well as to process data (so forth referred to as “personal data”) of the users if needed (eg name, e-mail address) registered in the database of the platform through the Website. «Jacob Iakovou» will collect users’ personal data only in case of their consent in order to access applications and services available through the website. «Jacob Iakovou» will not request personal data of specific categories of users in any circumstances.
By registering on the site to access services, the user agrees that his / her data will be collected, processed and used under the terms of Privacy Policy. Also, the user, before completing the registration procedure (the activation of the account is complete by following the link sent to the e-mail), should specifically and explicitly give his consent to terms and conditions. More specifically, the user, as well as «Κ- reSolutions», should accept and comply to the terms of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) 679/2016, implemented since 25/05/2018, regarding the collection and processing of user’s personal data through the website for the user to access the available electronic services, that support the relationship between the user and the «Κ- reSolutions», for statistical or other purposes only with the user’s consent.
In addition, the user will be asked to declare his/her consent to «Jacob Iakovou» to send service updates via electronic communication tools unless he/she explicitly demands the restriction of updates. In any case, the user has the right to restrict to the use of his/her e-mail or other personal data and to opt out from marketing messages and updates upon request by contacting .
«Jacob Iakovou» complies to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 679/2016. The user’s personal data is collected & processed only for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes, i.e., for improving platform services or for statistical purposes. In addition, steps have been taken to ensure the accuracy of personal data; the user may at any time correct & update any information if not accurate or deletion by the user himself. «Jacob Iakovou» retains users’ data only for the amount of time required to run the account of the user. «Jacob Iakovou» does not keep any personal data erased by users (immediate erasure from backup). At any time, users have the right to access, process, correct, erase, limit or claim data portability. For more information or to exercise these rights the user is welcome to contact our company at
When browsing the «Jacob Iakovou» site user information is collected and held in log files on the server. Such information refers to the user’s IP, the operating system, the date and time of visitation and other related information. The user cannot be identified by these data, and their use is only for facilitating the smooth operation of the server.
To ensure the confidentiality of data transfer, the SSL-128bit encryption protocol is used.
Communication between the user’s computer and our website is encrypted by 128-bit protocol system. Any information and personal data of the user / customer is encrypted based on the 128-bit SSL encryption protocol. Encryption is a way to encode information and the recipient will be able to decode it by using the appropriate key.
While browsing the «Jacob Iakovou» site, users can communicate via the contact form.
By completing and registering to the form, any information sent such as user IP, email, name, date and time of shipment, is stored on the server.
To ensure the smooth operation of the website, «Jacob Iakovou» uses cookies. Cookies are files that include information in plain text and are stored on the user’s computer while browsing the internet. The purpose of specific information (cookies) is to offer personalized services that meet the individual needs of the user.
There are two types of cookies. Session cookies that are deleted at the end of the session and long-term cookies that are stored on your terminal device to provide information to «Jacob Iakovou» and our partners about the program navigation on your next visit.
Cookies are divided into the following four categories:
Essential Cookies
These cookies are necessary for users to browse the site.
Functional Cookies
Functional cookies let the site memorize user options (such as user name, language, region) to provide improved and more personalized services.
Performance Cookies
Performance cookies let the site collect non- personal data – data in a form that does not allow direct association with a specific user– and their purpose is to support site metering functions and to improve the performance of the site by providing information about the pages visited and downloading error messages from web pages.
Third party Cookies
Third-party cookies are defined by a site other than the one the user is currently browsing. The purpose of these cookies is to collect information about the user’s browsing habits so as to display ads tailored to the user’s interests. These cookies can only be disabled by the third-party website administrator.
Cookies do not give access to other files on the user’s computer and are not capable of collecting and storing user’s personal data. The legislation for the processing of personal data by using cookies is Article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR.
Users have full control over the use of cookies. More specifically, it is possible to disable or restrict the transmission of cookies through the browser settings. It is also possible to delete cookies that have already been saved at any time.
Users have the right to request a digital copy of their held personal data and to delete it completely with the exemption of cases where data should be retained for tax purposes, such as after the pricing of services, so their data must be held in the accounting data base of the accounting office that works for our company.
More specifically, the user’s rights regarding the Personal Data that is collected by the site are as follows:
Right to Information
Users have the right to request information about their personal data provided by them and kept on this site.
Right to Access Personal Data
Users have the right to request access to their personal data and to be informed about their processing. In particular, they have the right to request information about the reasons of the processing, the categories of personal data held, the recipients, the retention schedule, the existence of a right of complaint to the Data Protection Authority, the origin of the data when they are not have been made available by the users themselves.
Right to Correct Persona Data
Users have the right to request a correction or modification of their data if it is not accurate.
Right to Erasure
Users have the right to request a partial or complete erasure of their personal data when they wish to withdraw their consent for any reason. Our Company depending on the case, will inform you about the total or partial deletion of your personal data or the inability to delete specific data. Inability to delete data occurs in legal cases or due to the public interest, or in case there is a pending legal subpoena requiring data to be held.
Right of Limitation
Users have the right to request a limitation of the processing of your data, in terms of quantity, time and with regard to the purpose of the processing. In particular, the limitation may concern (1) either a specific category of data, (2) or the purposes of the processing, (3) or cases where the processing of the data is considered illegal, but the users do not wish to delete them as maintaining them may serve other purposes.
Right to Data Portability
Users have the right to request to download their personal data they have provided to our company in a commonly used format. Users are also able to request direct transmission from our Company to a third party without their own mediation.
Right of Opposition
Users have the right to oppose the use of their personal data for marketing reasons.
When browsing our site, various data, such as visiting pages, residence time, visitation rates, etc., is collected, saved and third parties such as Google Analytics are notified to improve our marketing strategies. Users can not be identified by this data.
In order to display ads on a third-party site, third-party services such as Google and Facebook may be notified on visitation rates.
«Jacob Iakovou» will not notify, transmit, disseminate or release any personal data provided by the user without his/her consent or explicit demand, unless upon request of any legal, police, and/or other administrative authorities, and in accordance with the law.
Any questions regarding the collection, processing and registration of personal data, as well as requests for copies or deleting them, please contact us on 004061427078070 or via e-mail
tel. 0061427078070
tel. 00306946708171
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.